Air New Zealand safety videos

Tiaki & The Guardians

Inspired by the Tiaki Promise, this Safety Video follows a young man named Tiaki who with the help of his friends at Air New Zealand, boards a waka rererangi (flying canoe) and sets off on an adventure across Aotearoa to visit the Guardians of this world; Ranginui – our father sky, Tāne Mahuta – the forest, Papatūānuku– our mother earth, and Tangaroa – our oceans, lakes & rivers.  

Tiaki means to care for our people, place and culture, and is Aotearoa's way of showing people how to help preserve and protect what makes our home so special, so that it can continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Safety on board

Passenger safety is of the utmost importance to Air New Zealand. No effort is spared to ensure maximum safety both inflight and on the ground. All Air New Zealand aircrew are highly trained for any situation, and all aircraft must meet strict worldwide safety standards. In the highly unlikely event of an emergency, the crew will know exactly what to do. For passengers, a Safety Information card can be found in the seat pocket in front of you on the aircraft. Once on board the aircraft, it is important that you read this carefully, take note of the safety features, and the restrictions on the use of portable electronic equipment and mobile phones. The card also details the passenger "brace position" and all the exits provided. Identify the location and operation of the nearest exit to your seating position and please replace the card for the next person.

To review an aircraft specific safety information card, prior to travelling, select the appropriate aircraft type from the list below.

Safety information cards

A320 Domestic

A320 Regional



